Bumper Problem

Mar 12, 2025
I was driving fast on the highway sunny good road no cars 70 mph. I love my Highlander just got a new one to replace my old 2013. Never had a problem until now. Then voila! a loud noise came in! A big black thing flies down the road behind me. My car is okay and no marks no idea what happened. Toyota guys only saw damage from it breaking off and sliding under. I drive a lot hit stuff sometimes but I always know when. This time? No clue. Lucky I was alone during bike rally here in Kansas it could have been bad. Body shop guy said the bumper's barely stuck on compared to other cars. Anyone experience this?
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holdup you lost your bumper? shiet. anyway i call bs on the bodyshop guy because there are million of bolts fastners and other crap holding the bumper. maybe someone hit your bumper when parked? dont know what else to tell you